Inspiring Barrow during COVID-19

Inspiring Barrow ( Kickstart Programme) was unable to deliver in the Summer term due to Covid 19.  This has impacted many families across Furness over the past 5 months.

Children from year 6 were particularly affected as they missed out on lots  of transition work. In an effort to help, Inspiring Barrow are providing all the year 7 September 2020 intake students with a free stationery bag with equipment to help them get off to a great start.

These will be dropped off at their school prior to their return.

Schools that will receive the free packs are : Walney School, Furness Academy, St Bernard’s High School, Chetwynde, Dowdales and Ulverston Victoria High School. We will also help out adapted learning schools. This has been made possible by our funders both local and national and by local support from Asda, Tesco and Fingerprints.

For more information email

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