Inspiring Barrow Sept 2021-Dec 2021 – Kickstart Programme

The Kickstart programme got underway in September engaging with over 80 children and families from 16 primary schools in the Furness area working with year 6 children. The programme (funded by BBC Children in Need , The Lottery Community Fund and Cumbria Community Foundation ) is an after-school programme that works with children to build confidence, resilience, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

David Reddy Headteacher of George Romney Junior School in Dalton said:

“  Not only have the children enjoyed the activities in afterschool and half -term but  the Kickstart Programme has allowed the children to bond as a unit in school, show more interest in lessons and has had a positive impact on their studies”

The programme which runs for 3 months in the Autumn term with year 6 runs from September to December with activities designed to challenge and develop the transferable skills that are important in their development .

At half- term, the children are given the opportunity to go to The Kepplewray Centre in Broughton-in Furness where they partake in activities to underpin the skills developed on the programme.

This year the programme expanded its half-term provision to also include a day of activities at The Life Leisure Centre in Barrow -in-Furness which helps to promote health activities and increased socialisation.

Upon completion of the programme the children and families are invited to attend a celebration evening where the children are rewarded for their efforts and improvements on the programme.

Guests on the evening to acknowledge the work of the children were HM Lord Lieutenant for Cumbria Mrs Claire Hensman who presented special awards.  MP for Barrow and Furness Simon Fell who was guest speaker, and Barrow Mayor Helen Wall who presented completion certificates to all participants .

The programme begins working across 5 secondary school in the New Year with Year 8 children.

For more information email or follow updates on twitter @BarrowInspiring

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