The Inspiring Barrow Kickstart Programme

The Inspiring Barrow Kickstart Programme has been supporting young children across Furness develop their skills for and has now completed it’s 8th  and final year of operation. The programme has worked  towards the development of skills such as; Teamwork, Resilience, Communication, Leadership, Confidence, and Self -Efficacy. The programme worked with children across 22 schools in Furness (16 primary schools and 6 Secondary schools) with school years 6, 7 and 8. 

Over the course of this academic year the programme supported 146 children develop these skills. Delivered in after-school over 8 weeks each cohort also enjoy trips to The Kepplewray Centre at half term where the children get to build on these skills by participating in activities such as Crate-Stacking, Archery, Canoeing, and Bush Craft. The children are also provided a BBQ lunch. The programme is offered to children who the schools believe could do with extra help in their personal development. The programme allows the  opportunity to engage with children they would not ordinarily get to meet. This has led to new and lasting friendships and socialisation for many of the participants.

The Kickstart programme works with year 6 children from September – December, however further support is given throughout the year for those who need extra help by offering a face-to-face mentoring programme which is delivered by a team of volunteers who are trained and given materials to assist. Many of the volunteers are from Bae systems higher apprentice programme and this has proved to be a rewarding experience for all involved. 

In the second school term, January – March the programme is delivered to Year 8 children across 6 secondary schools; Walney, Furness Academy, St Bernard’s Catholic High School, Dowdales, and Ulverston Victoria High School, and in the third school term, April – July the programme works with Year 7 children across the same 6 secondary schools.

Funding to run the programme this year came from Francis C Scott Charitable Trust, Cumbria Community Foundation, David Snowden Trust, Sir John Fisher Foundation and Bae.  

The year 8 children yet again worked collaboratively to improve their teamwork and should great maturity in developing their communication skills whist designing a community poster campaign about raising awareness. Click below to see the posters:

Each term the children were recognised at an awards evening at The Forum ( Barrow ) where they all received certificates for completing the programme, whilst those who made significant progress in either, Teamwork, Communications Skills, Resilience, Leadership or improved confidence were received an additional special award.

Barrow Mayor Chris Altree and Deputy Lord Lieutenant Rob Cairns presented awards  in December and April, with  Mayor Judith McEwan and Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander Scott presenting awards in July.

View the legacy booklet of the programme below:

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